Sunday, 3 February 2013

Rachels Doula Services... What's a Doula?

Doula? Whats that then?

You may have heard talk about doulas, especially if you have visited our Milky-Bar group, But what exactly IS a doula and why would you want to have one?

A doula is a peer, usually another mother, who has experience, training, and a particular passion for supporting women around the time of childbirth. Doulas are not medically trained, and there fore do not advise, but instead guide you through the discovery and planning of your own birth choices. Once you have established what your particular needs are, your doula will be able to support you with those choices. You may like an antenatal doula, who can work with you (and your chosen birthing partners if you have them) to prepare for birth, and to be available for emails, texts and visits throughout your pregnancy.
 A birth doula will do the same, as well as joining you at the birth, and for a visit afterward. A post natal doula will usually meet with you once before the birth, and then support you for an agreed amount of time, usually for around the first 6 weeks after birth. She can be available to help you with chores around the house, to cuddle with baby whilst you take a rest, to chat through your birth experience and any feeding support you may need, or to help with older children whilst you care for your newborn. 

Since your doula will be supporting you through one of the most exciting, life changing, and emotional times of your life, its important to make sure you are confident you have the right doula for you! You may like to meet with several doulas, and here you can find a list of questions you might like to ask to help you find out how they can work for you. At Milky-Bar we can put you in touch with local doulas, some who work under the organization of Doula UK and others who work independently. 

If you have further questions or would just like to have a chat, please feel free to contact me at

Good luck, and happy birthing!   

Milky-Bar doula support group

 Congratulations! Welcome to the amazing, sometimes difficult and often confusing journey to motherhood. As you get closer to meeting your precious bundle, you may have some questions about the big day... how long will I be in labour for? How will I cope? Will my partner be able to help? What if I don't have a partner? What are my pain relief options and Why on earth do some people choose to have their baby at home?
At Milky-bar you can meet with other mothers, some who are at the same stage as you, and some who have just been through the birth! Its great to be able to share and explore your fears and excitement with local mums and doulas.

New baby?
 Trying to make your way through mountains of cards, washing, and advice whilst feeding round the clock and haven't slept since you were 6 months pregnant? You're not alone! Milky- bar is a “drop in” based at a local craft centre so you don't have to worry about getting out for a certain time, or staying out for long. If you feel like you are snowed under with baby stuff, and would love to drink a cup of tea (whilst its still vaguely warm) then we're here for you! Come along and chat to doulas and other mothers, we can point you in the direction of lots of helpful info and resources, as well as provide a listening ear as you discover the fabulous mother that you are becoming! We understand that this is an emotional time so we make sure there are plenty of tissues available, and there's always cake!


Q: "I've just found out I'm pregnant, when can I join in?"

A: You can come along at any stage in pregnancy, in fact being around other mothers and babies can really help you to prepare for your new role as a mum, and help you to get informed and learn what to expect at all different stages.

Q: "My baby is 3 weeks old, I want to come along but I dont feel ready to join a baby group just yet"

A: Milky Bar is a drop in so there's no obligation to stay, and cups of tea are available at any point! Stay 5 minutes or 2 hours, we don't mind and you don't have to come every week if it doesn't suit you. There are lots of local mother and baby/toddler groups out there, and we can give you a list if you are looking for something more regular when your baby is older. (Of course you are welcome to join us every week if you would like to!)

Q: "Can I bring my toddler(s) too?"

A: Pre school aged siblings are welcome to all milky-bar sessions.We have plenty of age appropriate toys and biscuits provided.

Q: "Doula- run? Whats a doula?"

 A: Doulas are peers, we are other mothers who have a special interest in mothers, birth and the post natal period. We are trained and have experience working with, listening to and supporting mothers without judging or agendas. We do not advise, but we do have lots of good ideas and can point you in the direction of help whether its at your home, a local clinic, or local groups specific to your needs. We can not give medical advice.

Q: "I like the sound of that, where can I find more information about doulas?"

A:  At Milky-Bar we have a list of local doulas including those who work within doula UK and those who work independently. You can search for doulas all around the country. When searching for a doula its a good idea to interview 2 or 3 to make sure you are getting the right support for you. More info in my "What's a Doula?" post.

Q: "Can I get help with breast feeding at the Milky Bar?"

A:Yes, Katie is our breast feeding counsellor (association of breastfeeding mothers) and is with us most weeks. Rachel is also trained in the basic techniques. You can contact your local breast feeding counsellor at any time free of charge. 

Q: "Do I have to breastfeed to come to the milky bar?"

No! Milky bar is for babies who drink milk... that would be all of them!

Q: "I'd like to come! So where is it and when?"

A: Milky Bar is run on thursdays from 10-12 at Make, Do & Mend, ( for maps and details search)

Q: "Is there a cost?"

A: As with all sessions run at Make, Do & Mend, there is a charge of £3 per adult per session. This also covers teas/ coffees or squash, biscuits and cake :D.

Q:"What else can I do at Milky bar?"

A: As well as meeting mums, and chatting with doulas you can:
bring and swap maternity wear,
bring and swap new born clothes, 
borrow pregnancy and parenting books from a small library, 
and take part in demos from local activities such as Baby Sensory, Baby Massage, Sling Meet, hand and foot print pottery art, and Hypnobirthing chats as well as many more!